5 easy steps to create a strong password
The best password is a strong password, but you're not alone if you struggle to come up with good password ideas. A hard-to-crack password keeps hackers out, protecting your accounts and personal data. Learn how to create a strong password with our tips and advice.
Let's start with some tips and advice
Keep your passwords private - never share a password with anyone else.
Do not write down your passwords.
Use passwords of at least eight (8) characters or more (the longer the better).
Use a combination of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and special characters (for example: !, @, &, %, +) in all passwords.
Avoid using names of people or pets or words that are in the dictionary; it is also best to avoid using important dates (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.).
It is no longer enough to replace letters or numbers with similar characters (for example "Password" and "P@ssw0rd").
A strong password should look like a series of random characters.
If you believe your password may have been compromised, change it immediately and then check your other website accounts for misuse.
How to create a strong password
Think of a phrase or sentence of at least eight words. It should be something easy for you to remember but hard for someone who knows you to guess. It could be a line from a favorite book, movie, song lyric or quote that you like. Example: "Technology Is Best When It Brings People Together"
Remove all letters except for the first letter of each word in your phrase: TIBWIBPT
Replace several of the uppercase letters with lowercase letters, randomly: TiBWibPt
Now replace at least one of the letters with a number. (Here we have changed the lowercase "b" to the number 6: TiBWi6Pt
Finally, use special characters ($, &, +, !, @) to replace a letter or two—preferably a letter that repeats in the phrase. You can also add an extra character to the mix. (Here we have replaced the "t" with "+" and added an exclamation mark at the end.): TiBWi6P+!
Check how strong your password is
There are a number of online tools you can use to check the strength of your password. While neither will guarantee an unbreakable password, they are a good double check. If your password is not strong enough, add a few more characters to the end.
Change your password in ProoferHive via My Account (click on your name at the top right) for those who are logged in. If you have forgotten your password, click on "forgot password" when signing in and follow the instructions. Alternatively, use magic link and change your password in My Account once you've entered that way.