Manage your notification settings

Fine-tune your notification feed and choose to receive selected notifications by email. Most options are already enabled by email to anyone new to ProoferHive, mainly notifications related to reviewers. New and unfamiliar users should receive important notifications by e-mail. Later, when more experienced and perhaps logged in on a daily basis, you can turn off selected email notifications.

My Account i ProoferHive

Navigate to your notification settings

First, click on your name at the top right, then on "My Account" in the list that appears.

Notifikationsinställningar i ProoferHive

Enable the type of notification you prefer for each activity. On-site refers to notifications that appear in ProoferHive where you are logged in, while Email means that you simply receive an email instead. Of course, you can enable both types, or turn them off completely.

Note: Keep in mind that this is your personal settings. If you have a colleague or client who is focused on something other than project dialogue and proofreading, it might be beneficial to ask them to enable their e-mail notification.

Morgonlista med olästa notiser via mail i ProoferHive

The dots at the bottom refer to which days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and so on) you wish to receive a morning list by email summarizing any unread notifications from the previous day so you don't risk missing anything important.

Stäng av notiser för enskilt projekt i ProoferHive

Turn off notifications from individual projects

For those who want to turn off notifications from an individual project without losing access.


Measure print area in ProoferHive