When files need to be reviewed and approved by multiple people
Usually, it takes one (1) person to approve or request changes for a file to change status, but with this function activated, it is instead required that at least two people (more if necessary) perform a status change in each individual file of that project before the status change takes effect.
Few things are as inefficient and unnecessarily costly as when creators make changes to material – if it turns out to be irrelevant or otherwise unwanted* changes.
To avoid this, you can activate “Multiple reviewers per file“ where the status of the file does not change until the project manager or another control person has also reviewed the requested changes.
This minimizes the number of review cycles, which in turn keeps costs down and also keeps the entire process short.
*) Unwanted changes can be anything from "differences from other material in the same series". That the change violates regulations in the communication plan, graphic manual or violates any law.
Incorrect request of changes can also arise from misreading, misunderstanding or lack of facts.
Activate feature for control person
In the dialog box for creating or editing projects, click on "Multiple reviewers per file" and select the number "2". Now, a status change by 2 people is required for the status change to take effect for each file in the project.
Here’s a scenario
0 status changes
The example shows the initial state: status of the uploaded file is marked yellow with a "zero" (instead of question mark), which indicates that "nobody" has changed the status of the file yet.
1 of 2 status changes
Here, a reviewer has reviewed the material, added comments and changed the status. This is indicated by a “one” but the status marker is still yellow.
2 of 2 status changes
Here, the control person has reviewed the requested changes, made any clarifications or adjustments in the request and changed the status to "Change". Now the status change color and notifications is sent out to the creative.
Alternative scenarios
If a reviewer approve a file, and the control person also approves – then the status becomes "green".
If a reviewer request changes but the control person rejects them, and instead approves the current version – then the status will turns red*. In this state, the control person can force the file to be approved (click on the status icon to access forced status change).
*) A requested change will always outdo other status choices. Which is important if the feature is used when a group of more than 2 people must review before the status is determined.